Ecommerce Marketing Strategies That Work

Ecommerce or Electronic Commerce (EC) is the practice of marketing goods and services online using electronic methods. Digital marketing is often confused with internet marketing, but the two concepts are distinct. Digital marketing deals more with the visual aspects of marketing rather than the technical aspects. These include search engine optimization, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, banner advertising, emails, text and image ads and other web based advertising tools.


Digital marketing involves many elements and it is necessary to manage these elements to reap maximum benefits. For example, ecommerce marketing requires a steady flow of traffic to a site in order to be successful. Similarly, consumers need to find your product pages quickly and want to see what your offer is all about as soon as possible. Ecommerce marketers should make sure that images on product pages are optimized for long-term visibility and are not too graphic in nature. Graphics on product pages that lasts only for a few seconds lure consumers and in the long run, they might not remember your product’s advantages.


Another important strategy of digital marketing involves creating relevant contents that can be related to your products. This includes ensuring that the website has relevant and updated content and is linked to more than one web store. It also involves building a comprehensive catalog that showcases related products and services. Content, keywords, pictures and links should be organized in a way that consumers can easily navigate through your website. These tactics are used by ecommerce businesses to boost traffic, increase conversions, and attract new customers.


Another digital marketing strategy includes creating an online community where consumers can provide feedback and discuss issues. Ecommerce websites that have forums enable consumers to post their queries and share ideas and thoughts. Ecommerce forums allow businesses to receive feedback on their services and establish new customer loyalty through social mechanisms. Through this strategy, businesses are able to measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and adjust them as required.


Email marketing is another powerful digital marketing strategy that most ecommerce marketers fail to take advantage of. An effective email marketing campaign starts with an understanding of the target market, subscriber behavior, subscriber preferences, cost per click and conversion rates. Email marketing is one of the most efficient methods of promoting your products to a broad audience and you can enjoy impressive conversion rates once you are able to get hold of subscribers who are interested in your products. You can send informative emails that address customer concerns and help retain repeat customers.


Social media engagement is a powerful strategy that you can incorporate into your Ecommerce marketing campaigns. Effective social media strategies can help you build brand recognition and generate consumer loyalty through social media outlets. In order to successfully execute social media marketing in your ecommerce marketing plan, you need to develop a strong relationship with your consumers through various social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In addition to this, online marketing experts often suggest that you integrate a website tracking system into your email marketing strategy as it will allow you to identify new customers and generate new leads to expand your customer base.